The first challege was to choose schools from different parts of Europe and encourage them to join the idea. Peter`s efforts resulted in the biggest Comenius team we had ever been in. Eight schools from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Poland agreed to take part in the project. The coordinating school suggested the topic for the project - "Ways of improving students` autonomy and initiative in the process of learning", which was accepted by all the participants.
Preparatory visit
First year of the project
In the first year we dealt with one of the most important factors influencing both students and teachers of our schools. We measured the level and range of violence among students and examined its impact on students` school results and their mood in school and at home.
We had three working meetings in Funchal (Madeira - Portugal), Kołobrzeg (Poland) and Svencioneli (Lithuania)
In Funchal the participants discussed how to
measure the problem of violence at our schools.
We decided to create a questionaire for students
which would reflect the problem.

presented, compared and discussed.
Surprisingly the results were very similar in each of the participating schools. It occured that not many students experienced physical violence but quite a lot were objects of
verbal abuse, threats and picking on. Degradation, sadness and isolation were quite often feelings that accompanied these phenomena. So, it was ob

The third meeting took place in Svencioneli (Lithuania). Its aim was to find out how to check the level of health and fitness among students at our schools, present and discuss programmes dealing with health and healthy lifestyle implemented in our schools. The team from Kołobrzeg presented the work and effects of our school mediation team and a recreational programme "Horse riding as a way to prevent violence and addiction."A questionaire to check the body mass index (BMI) was worked out to see what the general physical condition of our students was.
Second year of the project
In the second year we made most of our efforts to find out ideas, methods and activities which would make students more aware of how important is health in one`s life.
Nowadays children and teenagers have an easy access to a variety of products of the modern world like the computer, tv, internet. There is a lot of colourful and tempting things around them. It`s very hard for an average young person to assess what`s best for him/her. The attention thus should be paid to how to promote health in schools, which should result in fitter and healthier society in the future.
There were three working visits in the second year - Ventspils (Latvia), Kayseri (Turkey)
and Turi Vald (Estonia)
In Ventspils (September 2006) each school reported how the programmes concerning healthy lifestyle had been modified and how
they worked.
The presentation of the BMI survey was done in Kayseri in March. It proved that in some schools (Schwelm, Funchal, Gijon) quite a big percentage of students were overweight. As for our students, there were too many girls who were underweight.
The last meeting in the second year took place in Turi Vald (Estonia) at the beginning of June 2007. Conclusions after the presentation of the BMI made us work out and implement new
programmes to promote healthy food and healthy lifestyle.
The students involved in the programme discuss the principles of a healthy, balanced diet, prepare multi-ingredient salads and choose a right diet referring to certain physical exercises. They also take part in different sport activities mainly swimming, athletics, cycling and skating (in winter). They have been very eager to promote the project in the area by organizing competitions between lower secondary schools in Kołobrzeg .
Socrates - Comenius team of Zespol Szkol nr 2 in Kolobrzeg /Poland
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