Tuesday, 11 December 2007
TIME 13TH of April 2007
DEPARTMENTS History and Pedagogy
PARTICIPANTS Students of first year of Secondary Education and Diversificación
OBJECTIVS To know the importance the feeding in the evolution of the humanity. To learn to make fire like the man of Altamira did it. To discover primitive techniques of hunting.
SÍNTHESIS OF THE ACTIVITY To visit the new cave of Altamira, and to make fire and hunt workshops. The students see some of the tools that were used for the hunting and later will practise with silhouettes.
They will receive some demonstration of how to obtain fire and its importance in transformation of foods, and the consequences that this has for the evolution of the human species. Later they will try to obtain fire by friction.
ASSESSMENT The activity has been valued very positively; the participation of the students has been total, implied in the process of E-A and with a good acquisition of knowledge. All the students have valued very positively this visit and recommend its continuity.
PROPOSITIONS OF CONTINUITY AND IMPROVEMENT It is considered advisable to continue making this activity during the next school years. There are no proposals of improvement.
TIME 13TH of April 2007
DEPARTMENTS History and Pedagogy
PARTICIPANTS Students of first year of Secondary Education and Diversificación
OBJECTIVS To know the importance the feeding in the evolution of the humanity. To learn to make fire like the man of Altamira did it. To discover primitive techniques of hunting.
SÍNTHESIS OF THE ACTIVITY To visit the new cave of Altamira, and to make fire and hunt workshops. The students see some of the tools that were used for the hunting and later will practise with silhouettes.
They will receive some demonstration of how to obtain fire and its importance in transformation of foods, and the consequences that this has for the evolution of the human species. Later they will try to obtain fire by friction.
ASSESSMENT The activity has been valued very positively; the participation of the students has been total, implied in the process of E-A and with a good acquisition of knowledge. All the students have valued very positively this visit and recommend its continuity.
PROPOSITIONS OF CONTINUITY AND IMPROVEMENT It is considered advisable to continue making this activity during the next school years. There are no proposals of improvement.
Healthy eating in kindergarten schools
TIME Second quarterly school year.
DEPARTMENTS Services to the Community
PARTICIPANTS Students of the higher degree of kindergarten Studies.
OBJECTIVS This activity is developed with students of a formative cycle of higher degree; therefore, they are students whose formation is oriented towards the incorporation to the labour market. It is tried to be worked in a double way:
Formation in habits of healthy food:
• Know and identify the energetic components of foods common in the diet.
• Prepare foods so that it is attractive for the children (colours, forms, etc).
• Acquire skills to plan complementary activities that can have a positive value in favour of varied nourishment.
• Teach the children in election of foods that are not considered like junk food.
Learn strategies of work with the children of the kindergarten schools, simulating activities to work with a varied ingestion.
• Active knowledge of work by corners.
• Develop abilities of collective presentation of simulations: theatre, games of roll, etc.
• Use theoretical knowledge on the structure of the story and its use in simulations within a frame of education in food habits: Times, variety, autonomy of the infants.
SÍNTHESIS OF THE ACTIVITY In work groups the practice will be prepared, distributing rolls and tasks among each group. Menus for children of kindergarten schools will be elaborated, aiming to them in the strip of age of 28-42 months.
Each team will elaborate a dish of the menu, with emphasis in the considered important factors to favour the approach of the boy towards new foods.
Creation, within the classroom, of a structure of “healthy corners” Each group will elaborate a story, both the text and the support, with the thematic of the healthy feeding.
The activity will be closed with one “merienda” (afternoon meal) with all the students, who will try to simulate an activity with the students of the kindergarten schools, activating all the elaborated materials.
ASSESSMENT 1) Adjustment of the materials to the object of the activity
2) Quality of the materials.
3) Evaluation on the process, from the strategies that are used by the students to solve the difficulties that they find in the accomplishment of the practice.
PROPOSITIONS OF CONTINUITY AND IMPROVEMENT This activity has affected very positively the improvement of the relations between the students, causing with the “merienda” playful situations.
Students of the cycle have considered this activity an obligation to face the real food elaboration: cooking and presentation.
Material of different qualities is prepared and, in general, right for their use in a kindergarten school.
As a way of improvement we will try to do this activity in next courses, but with a process of filming to favour the revision of the process and encouragement of the self-esteem of the students (through analysis of previous expectative of some students and the products that they make, we have been able to affect the self-esteem of some student, and obtained important improvements for the subjects).

To detect situations of mistreatment among students and intervention on detected cases.
To improve the climate of living together in the school, focusing in this task in the relations between equals.
To favour the development of the respect among companions.
To facilitate strategies of resolution of conflicts among teenagers from the dialogue, the tolerance and the acceptance of the differences.
1st phase. Diagnostic of the school using a specific scale of school harassment. In
order to avoid mistakes of proof, it is considered to be necessary the use of two different protocols, and so, every test is applied every twoyears. This school year the battery PRECONCIMEI was applied.Dumping of the surveys: of the pupil and of the teacher.
2nd phase. Study of information, elaboration of conclusions and guidelines –
plans of action. Detection of cases with indications of harassment.
3 rd phase: Presentation of conclusions to the tutors, and decision about the plans of intervention, both to each student and to the group, using for this case, the tutorials to implement strategies of resolution of conflicts,
interpersonal skills and of social interaction, and assertive trainings.
These tutorials are done all along the school year.In this phase, the persecuted pupils, bullies, accomplices (observant, non participant), in the situations of risk detected. The situation of harassment will be reported both to the parents of the
victim and to the family of the alleged harassing ones so that they both know the situation and the participants in the process.
Due to the mobility of the student, with the incorporation of students in first year of Secondary Education, and the important number of new pupils in the professional studies, it is considered necessary to continue with the program.
The rotation of standardized protocols is valued positively to do the initial survey.
It is considered important to instruct pupils in accompaniment and mediation. The following school year this aspect will be included inside the program.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Latvia, Ventspils Secondary Schhol Nr.4
Our moto: A healthy mind in a healthy body
Nowdays when students are used to sit in front of computer for hours it is very important to popularize an active and healthy style of living.
Our school has organized different sport activities and discusions to popularize an active life style. It has helped to make greater awareness of how important is health in one's life.
The students are encouraged to take an active part and exercise not only during PE lessons, but also in their free time.
The students themselves have organized and participated in different sport competitions and hiking trips.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Monday, 10 September 2007
Lithuania. Svencioneliai basic school
The relation between the persons aktive lifestyle and his/her health
In order to put into reality the aims of the Project the scholchildren worked in these directions: research work; health /wellness trips; actions; sporting events; discussions.
During the Project the schoolchildren had the possibility to be self-sufficient and to take the initiative. They were able to foresee the results of the way of life they have chosen for themselves and for other people.
Research work
1. ,,Analysis of the BMI of our schoolchildren“.
Conclusions: The BMI of 120 11-year-old schoolchildren (60 girls and 60 boys) has been examined.
81 schoolchildren (39 girls and 42 boys) have normal BMI.
TheBMI of 39 students (21 girls and 18 boys) decreased .
Nobody‘s BMI increased.
2006-11 - 2007-03
2. „The reasons and results of diabetes“. During the Project students got acquainted with changes of the glucose in the blood , their causes and results. The students were discussing risk factors and foresaw children risk groups.
3. ,,The causes of bad posture and its prophylaxis“. During the Project it was examined how many students in our school have bad posture according to the information of students‘medical check-ups. The information given was compared accordingly with the facts in the years 1992-1993. As it turned out the number of students with bad posture increased four times in the last 15 years.
In order to put into reality the aims of the Project the scholchildren worked in these directions: research work; health /wellness trips; actions; sporting events; discussions.
During the Project the schoolchildren had the possibility to be self-sufficient and to take the initiative. They were able to foresee the results of the way of life they have chosen for themselves and for other people.
Research work
1. ,,Analysis of the BMI of our schoolchildren“.
Conclusions: The BMI of 120 11-year-old schoolchildren (60 girls and 60 boys) has been examined.
81 schoolchildren (39 girls and 42 boys) have normal BMI.
TheBMI of 39 students (21 girls and 18 boys) decreased .
Nobody‘s BMI increased.
2006-11 - 2007-03

2. „The reasons and results of diabetes“. During the Project students got acquainted with changes of the glucose in the blood , their causes and results. The students were discussing risk factors and foresaw children risk groups.
3. ,,The causes of bad posture and its prophylaxis“. During the Project it was examined how many students in our school have bad posture according to the information of students‘medical check-ups. The information given was compared accordingly with the facts in the years 1992-1993. As it turned out the number of students with bad posture increased four times in the last 15 years.
Lithuania. Svencioneliai basic school
Sporting events
The students were encouraged to move and to exercise not only during PE lessons, but also in their free time.
The schoolchildren organized and participated in sports competitions and after school active movement events.
The ,,square” match 2006-11

The sport competition for students of 5-7 forms

The competition of running for students of 5-10 forms 2006-09

The football match. Students of 7-10 forms will take part in this match 2006-10
The basketball game. Students of 7-10 forms will take part in 2006-12
Lithuania. Svencioneliai basic school
Actions and discussions
The students organized wellness actions not only at school but also in the kindergarten „Vyturelis“ (action called „The code of health“). During the actions students shared the results of their research work, drew conclusions and made suggestions. They put their theoretical knowledge into practice (they brewed tea from the herbs they picked themselves, commented on their effect treating certain diseases).
During the discussions schoolchildren solved urgent problems, analysed different health risk factors and their prevention.
Action ,,The magic tea cup”

Action ,,In a healthy body lives a healthy soul”
The students organized wellness actions not only at school but also in the kindergarten „Vyturelis“ (action called „The code of health“). During the actions students shared the results of their research work, drew conclusions and made suggestions. They put their theoretical knowledge into practice (they brewed tea from the herbs they picked themselves, commented on their effect treating certain diseases).
During the discussions schoolchildren solved urgent problems, analysed different health risk factors and their prevention.
Action ,,The magic tea cup”

Action ,,In a healthy body lives a healthy soul”

The preventative action ,,Lets enjoy a healthy living” 2006-12-06
Lithuania. Svencioneliai basic school
Wellness trips
The students hiked and rode bicycles. They evaluated the influence of physical activity and being out in the nature on their psychological state. During the trips students developed skills of the first medical aid. They learned to put theoretical knowledge into practice.
The trip by bikes to the mountains in ,,Ginučiai”

The school trip to a forest ,, The influence of nature on man’s inner world”

The school trip ,,Water is source of life”

The school trip ,,Water is source of life”
The students hiked and rode bicycles. They evaluated the influence of physical activity and being out in the nature on their psychological state. During the trips students developed skills of the first medical aid. They learned to put theoretical knowledge into practice.
The trip by bikes to the mountains in ,,Ginučiai”
The school trip to a forest ,, The influence of nature on man’s inner world”

The school trip ,,The winter is time to refresh your soul”
The trip by bikes to the ,,Sergelis” lake

The school trip ,,Water is source of life”

The school trip ,,Water is source of life”

Thursday, 26 July 2007
Laupa, Estonia/ The second project year at Laupa School
Besides sports activities and dancing we took several seminars, cources and forums of healthy life in our county. We composed some displays at school about given theme. Students from 7-9th classes visited Estonian Health Care Museum in Tallinn.
The Comenius Project Coordinator Ülle Taube,
Riina RätsepsooLaupa, Estonia/ May-June 2007 Project meeting
Laupa, Estonia/ 19/02/07 Swimming is healthy for students and teachers, too
Laupa, Estonia/ November-December 2006 Winter pleasure
Laupa, Estonia/ Dancing is very popular among our students.
Laupa, Estonia/ Sports presentation
Laupa, Estonia/ 16/09/2006 Our students the first time in the Stadium of Türi
Since this spring we can use that big stadium in Türi for our sportsdays. Our students had possibility to make the competition with Finnish friends.
The Comenius Project Coordinator Ülle Taube,
Riina RätsepsooThursday, 19 July 2007
Madeira, Portugal/ Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz

Três professores da Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz viajaram até à Turquia - cidade de Kayseri, na semana de 25 a 31 de Março de 2007, para mais uma reunião do PROGRAMA SÓCRATES, onde se encontraram com os colegas representantes das restantes escolas participantes (Alemanha, Espanha, Polónia, Lituânia, Letónia, Estónia e Turquia).
Neste segundo encontro do presente ano lectivo, sob o tema "Modos de Vida Saudável”: foram analisados e comparados os resultados do levantamento do IMC (índice de Massa Corporal) e Tensão Arterial dos alunos, expresso em gráficos comparativos entre idades e sexo. Contrariamente ao inicialmente previsto, constatou-se haver um maior número de alunos com baixo peso do que de obesos, o que revela também hábitos alimentares errados por parte dos jovens. Discutidos e analisados, por todos, os factores que conduzem a estes valores, ficou definido um plano de trabalho, junto dos alunos, para incutir hábitos saudáveis de alimentação e de actividade física, quer através de informação e sensibilização aos encarregados de educação, quer através da promoção de acções de formação, painéis e conferências com personalidades especializadas na saúde, e ainda através da promoção da actividade física. Todas estas iniciativas serão divulgadas nos sites de cada Escola, em Português, bem como num Blog do Projecto, em Inglês, para a divulgação global do Projecto, quer junto das Agências Nacionais responsáveis pela atribuição e controlo destes projectos europeus, quer junto de toda a comunidade.
O grupo de professores foi convidado para um programa diversificado de actividades, visitas e convívios, gentilmente organizado pelos colegas de Kayseri. Na primeira visita à Escola participante - ARIF MOLU - escola técnica do ensino secundário, foram recebidos com um maravilhoso espectáculo de danças típicas por um grupo de alunos, seguido de uma volta pelas diferentes oficinas onde os alunos demonstraram as técnicas de trabalho no têxtil, na metalúrgica, nas artes, etc. Assistiram, posteriormente a uma simulação de debate, preparado e representado por alunos, cujo tema se centrava na entrada da Turquia na União Europeia. Foi interessante observar como a dualidade de argumentos - a favor e contra - reflectia a própria opinião pública. Seguidamente, foi oferecido pela Escola um agradável almoço na cantina.
A visita a uma escola privada permitiu observar como as novas tecnologias servem a educação num um espaço moderno, colorido e atraente, rico em recursos materiais e físicos.
O grupo foi amavelmente recebido pelo Representante local da Educação, que nos deu a conhecer a realidade educativa da sua cidade, no que respeita em particular ao número de escolas, de alunos, de opções de cursos, e ao acesso ao ensino superior.
Destacam-se também outras visitas de carácter cultural, nomeadamente, ao Museu de Kayseri, ao Museu da Medicina e a um Centro Tecnológico. Foi ainda visitada a casa museu onde viveu Atatürk, o homem que criou a República Turca, figura de que o povo turco muito se orgulha.
Na zona industrial de Kayseri, o grupo observou a intensa activIdade de centenas de operários fabris na produção do têxtil e dos móveis, e foi posteriormente recebido pelo Presidente de uma das fábricas, o qual amavelmente ofereceu um almoço na
respectiva cantina.
Os passeios de carácter turístico, à Capadócia (zona histórica com uma cidade subterrânea escavada na rocha, que abrigou várias civilizações), aos pequenos templos católicos escavados nos rochedos, com frescos alusivos às vivências bíblicas, e, ainda, aos famosos Montes Erciyes, que na altura se encontravam cobertos de neve.
Em Istambul, os professores estiveram nas conhecidas Mesquita Azul e Mesquita de Santa Sofia, impressionantes pela grandiosidade exterior e interior. Foi muito agradável também o passeio pela zona comercial típica Grande Bazaar.
O enriquecimento cultural de todas as actividades, aliado a uma excelente hospitalidade, tornou esta viagem inesquecível.
Elisabete Cró
Enaltina Vieira
Miguel Nunes
Miguel Nunes
April 2007
Article with report of the activities carried out by the Socrates Project – Comenius 1 – “Ways of Improving Students’Autonomy and Initiative in the Learning Process”, sub-topic: “Ways of Leading a Healthy Life” in the Project meeting in Kayseri – Turkey – from 25th to 31st March 2007. This report was published in the 14th edition of the school magazine – O Lyceu – issued for April/June 2007.
Article with report of the activities carried out by the Socrates Project – Comenius 1 – “Ways of Improving Students’Autonomy and Initiative in the Learning Process”, sub-topic: “Ways of Leading a Healthy Life” in the Project meeting in Kayseri – Turkey – from 25th to 31st March 2007. This report was published in the 14th edition of the school magazine – O Lyceu – issued for April/June 2007.
Maria Elisabete de Sousa Cró
Enaltina Maria Bettencourt Vieira
Miguel Nunes
Enaltina Maria Bettencourt Vieira
Miguel Nunes
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