16th October 2006
Panel discussion:
NOURISHMENT – Contribution to a Good Quality of Life
OVERWEIGHT – The Threat to a Good Quality of Life
(celebrating the World Day of Nourishment)
The Director of Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz, the Coordinators of Extracurricular Activities and the Coordinators of COMENIUS 1 Project – Socrates Programme with the global topic: “Ways of Improving the Students’ Autonomy and Initiative in the Learning Process”, and subtopic: “Ways of Leading a Healthy Life” invited Dr. Francisco Silvestre Abreu, endocrinologist and Head of Department at the local Hospital, and Dr. Maria Amélia Fernandes Teixeira – nutritionist, to discourse on the importance of nourishment to assure a better life standard and to prevent some diseases such as obesity in early age.
The present panel discussion took place on the 16th October in the school conference room as a way of celebrating the World Day of Nourishment. The audience was composed by students, teachers and some members of the staff.
The first guest speaker, with the support of some graphs, drew the audience’s attention to the increasing rates of obesity and its corresponding risks, having evidenced the urgent need for physical activity to the detriment of sedentary habits as well as the need for balanced nourishment.
The second guest speaker, Dr. Amélia Teixeira, confirmed that the keystone for a good life standard lies in good nourishment and presented some facts about high-calorie products as well as the right way to consume certain types of food.
Maria Elisabete de Sousa Cró
Enaltina Maria Bettencourt Vieira
Miguel Nunes