Thursday, 19 July 2007

Madeira, Portugal/ Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz

23rd March 2007

(celebrating the Day of Healthy School”)

Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz with the cooperation of the Sports Teachers and the Coordinators of Extracurricular Activities carried out on the 23rd March 2007 a panel discussion under the title: “The Importance of a Good Quality of Life” within the activities plan for the “Day of Healthy School” (yearly celebrated at our school).

The guest speakers were Dr. António Alfredo de Sá Leuschner Fernandes, Psychiatrist, Head of the Board of Directors of Magalhães Lemos Hospital, Teacher at the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar and Coordinator of the National Programme for the Elderly’s Health, and Dr. João Manuel Rodrigues da Silva – Heart Surgeon, Head of Department and Clinical Director at the Hospital Central do Funchal.

Both stressed the importance of health preservation through healthy behaviour. The first guest speaker pointed out the importance of small gestures towards a better citizenship and reminded that the elderly often go through depressions due to psychological and physical neglect, having presented relevant facts from his own professional experience that made the audience fell sensitized to these issues. The second speaker resumed some of the previous ideas and referred to the number of older people abandoned by their relatives in hospitals. Afterwards, he emphasized the absolute need for good nourishment and supervised physical activity.
The present panel discussion took place in the school conference room, lasted for about two hours and was aimed at students, teachers, staff and the community in general.

Maria Elisabete de Sousa Cró
Enaltina Maria Bettencourt Vieira
Miguel Nunes

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